(Thursday, June 28, 2007/9:44 PM)
StarEh, hmm...
Today was quite a normal day as well. (=
As usual Edward had his 3hour20min no-lesson period. =.=
Bleh, well, everything was pretty boring. 1 piece of hw only. That totals up the stuff to 2. =D And other than that nothing was very interesting except trying to prove kevin ng the fact that my desk was full of ants so I had to migrate. >.>
And then well, nothing really. Went to cafe to pass time while helping Mr. Yap. Then just went home. (=
I wish I may,
I wish I might,
For offlines and,
Special ways of messaging.
All to come back to me,
(Wednesday, June 27, 2007/10:24 PM)
RememberToday, was also a perfectly normal day. Don't you just love these non-conflicting oxymorons? Omg i'm becoming a nerd. ><
We were put to starve for 4 hours because there was no recess in sight. Period after period after period after period after period. =/ And then suddenly during SS the teacher told us a long story about Rama and his nose-slashing brother and poof one hour went by like nothing. ^^ And then we just slaved through 40 more minutes of Geog before all rushing downstairs to food glorious food. (=
I guess the benefit of this is that there's absolutely no one in the SAC and so you don't need to worry about queue time ("thankyou mr. obvious!") and then again it's pretty quiet so you get to make all the noise without needing to raise your voice. =D
After recess (which seemed to pass by so fast for once) was over, we had erm, letsee, ah PC! Sex ed. =.= Very factual lesson thanks to the fact that our dear PCT was a bio teacher. o.o And he also revealed that his mother was a gangster. Owned! =D
After that, 2nd english lesson came. =.= Like why the hell, can't you just lump them both together? =.= Which reminds me, during 1st English lesson kevin made ppl who didn't bring their storybooks and made them write 50 lines of "I will not forget to bring my storybook for English (he could have just said "English storybook" but he chooses to lengthen the thing =.=) next lesson" or whatever. Jing Sheng chose to attitude him and write "I will not forget to bring my storybook for English next lesson. 50 lines." and he just left it there. Idiotic me felt it was a waste of paper and started writing 50 lines of "Love and peace solves everone's problems! <3" and I handed it up without him realising. =D
So back to 2nd English lesson, he starts sending ppl out for not doing hw, blah blah blah. Then we got to watch a video on the compre we just did. Better than nothing I suppose, after all he's still like 20odd numbers away from my turn to oral practice. (= And then he chooses to break into another lecture again by saying that we can volunteer not to prac if we don't bother doing it. Like erh, okay...I bet most of them would just go to pass time anyway ^^
So after that was Chamber, then pack up, then go home. Then play abit, then wanted to do my amaths but realised there was none till next week...and then I was here. Nights. ^^
(*EDIT*: aah what's that doing here? ><)
(Tuesday, June 26, 2007/11:00 PM)
Well-FaredI can't wait one night.
Life cuts me short,
At this point of alot.
Of confusions,
Of relations,
Of adaptations,
Of aspirations,
And hopeful succession.
And it gets cut,
All this effort was nothing but.
Another futile effort,
All these tries and words.
Nothing but another letdown,
Day and night to make me frown.
Looks up to the sky,
And asks "why?"
Why must you do this to me?
I didn't take the chance when I had,
And when I did well, it's just sad.
That all I'm good at,
Is what I'm not trusted at.
Sure you can smile at me,
But as long as that frown remains, see.
I'll be sad too.
(is anyone even reading this? =/)
(/7:59 PM)
Was pretty normal as well, I guess most of the day went by without me noticing. During english we had to do 3 or 1 out of 3 (i don't really know which) write-ups just cause' half the class didn't do the compre. T.T And during bio Mr. See said something about don't bother passing up. o.o I hope he means he'll mark those who did and not those who didn't. ^^
Other than that well, I really don't know. Lesson just passed by as normal, and the day was pretty much too normal to be true. I went for MEP after and the teacher didn't collect my reflection thingy I did ytd. =/
I'm getting rejected at everything.Went home and just slacked about I guess. Maybe I really need a bit of time to sort all this out.
(Monday, June 25, 2007/10:24 PM)
Pepper*snaps out of trance mode*
Oh, hello. ^^
Today we had some weird chapel. I wouldn't call it weird, come to think of it, but a recapitulation of the year theme. I guess if you're trying to refresh some people who have forgotten, then it wouldn't be called a year theme would it?
And the hymn was nice but, the words don't really reach you. It's as if back to school was taking the remaining half or whatever part of your life is left. ^^ Not that I've suddenly turned into a devout Christian, no. But this shows no respect. =/
The rest of the day? Pretty normal I guess. It's as if time stopped for 1 month and suddenly we're back to the next day of school. (=
Except for 1 point.
There was barely any hw.
Yes, my friends! I have successfully no homework after a school day! Suddenly it pays to do your holiday hw, even though it's only due Thursday. =X Perhaps it won't start piling up again, especially maths! ><
And if I make sure it doesn't pile up, plus that new Chinese teacher. Perhaps I won't fail anything this end-year. Perhaps. (=
*sneezes* Ah, I
needa go to school tmr otherwise my MEP reflections I just did will go to waste! =D
(/9:04 PM)
Difference"Do you think the holidays are a waste of time?"
I'd rather ask "What's wrong with me?"
I must have been remembering too much.
"Why do we need recaps?"
"What is a recap?"
Every day of every life,
Lives in hatred, lives in strife.
But I'll stand out on the line of green and blue,
Just to wait; just to wait here for you.
(Saturday, June 23, 2007/9:48 PM)
SlowWhat brings me back here?
The world is full of problems.
But I won't get any solved,
If I don't solve my own first.
Or should it be the other way round?
Time to get back to the drawing board.
Let's start back from square one.
Back under the full moon of last year.
(Friday, June 22, 2007/11:27 PM)
ProofThat I've been playing too much.
That I haven't been doing anything useful.
That I'm just a plain slacker (this i admit =P but ill change!).
That I've not been doing much to help those who need me (why's this getting longer? =.=).
That I need to start doing something.
That this is getting shorter.
That someday I'll realise this is only 1% of the stuff I need to correct and therefore I shall start by making this point long. (=
Lose myself,
But I don't land to find.
You in my arms.Better start getting busy now. (=
(Thursday, June 21, 2007/10:04 AM)
BlurErgh, time to sort out this sotong head of mine before things get too out of hand.
And I'd better before naiveness,
Gets this better of me.
Believe as you wish,
Because all the fish.
Will someday all be paired up together.
And someday too,
The sky won't be blue.
And someday fine,
You will not be mine.
And from then,
No more shall I stand.
Waiting for you.
(Tuesday, June 19, 2007/6:45 PM)
MaulFrom tuesday night to tuesday evening, sigh...
And here's my advice to you.
It's a poison.
And it's going to get you.
Your armor is off.
You are vulnerable
Don't pursue this because,
Sooner or later.
It's going to come back at you,
Straight at you.
And stab right into your heart.
So here's my advice.
You can heed it. (=
Stay close, but don't run too fast.
If it looks like it's going to blow up.
Stop, Turn.
And run away.
Running away.
Is the best,
And only option.
Hope this helps. (=
(Saturday, June 16, 2007/11:09 PM)
DistanceI got taught a hard lesson today.
And lucky now I have this blog to remember it way down later if i happen to forget. (=
Situation:Lol, this makes it look like a police report. o.o
At 11a.m. I was farming ingame. Great, another hardcore gone case, you might say. But no not really. At least I don't think I'm gone yet. (=
So I am busy fighting when I see a monster I haven't looted. So I freeze the living on, and bend down. Lo and Behold! An epic pattern. =D And after killing the monster I froze, lo and behold again! A rare staff. =d
Later in the afternoon I try to sell both. Staff sells easy, but the plans...
The bids climbed higher and higher. And this troublemaker tried to be smart, he told me he'd do it for 1k. So I agreed. Silly me.
Anyway, later on I find that he's really low lvl. =( And he sends me a mocking pm. Maybe he's the one who got pissed when he offered 30g. xD
Sigh, so i got pretty sad. Especially when the money I earned wasn't going to me. Can't people just accept a bit of charity? =D Lucky I finished the important dungeon already though, so it wasn't too bad. I paged a GM...
And in the end I couldn't get any help. =( Looked like I was stuck with waiting 30 days. So I got on my alt and started trying to pry the name of HIS alt off him...the only thing I was missing to report him.T.T In the end I couldn't get it, and he was talking like a retard anyway.
So I return to my main, and poof! Something's in the mailbox. >.> I go check and it starts lagging...and obviously it came back. =.= The idiot musta gotten talked by a gm. The gm infact. (=
Ah well, short random false alert, but I'll post the meaning to that.
Later. (=
(Friday, June 15, 2007/12:13 AM)
DedicationIf you're looking for me, I'll most probably be playing or something.
Is this friendship you sold,
This beautiful thing that i hold,
In my hand,
Here I'll stand.
Waiting for you.
(Tuesday, June 12, 2007/10:30 PM)
Day 4972Ah, hmm...I guess I have nothing to talk about. Even if I did no one would hear me out anyway. So another time perhaps. ^^
(Sunday, June 10, 2007/1:06 AM)
CBFIt's pretty late now so I'll just run though this fast. (=
DAY 3The method I mentioned yesterday worked. My feet didn't freeze halfway and I slept comfortably till 5:20, then I called everyone up again. =D
There was lightning so no PT, we just stoned and waited till 7 for breakfast. After eating breakfast we stoned again to get sorted into our sections. After that I went to draw a rifle. =D Happiness shortlived however, as I had to pass it to some other randomguy. ><
Then we went for the GSK(General Specialist's Knowledge) test. 1 hour of stuff I had never seen before. 15min of guessing, 15min of giving up, and 30min of sleeping. (=
After GSK we had the IFC tests. Pretty okay I guess, except the movement by day section. Moved too fast, I was in a blur. (=
After that we had lunch.
And then we had TrainFire. I failed the "hold-your-rifle-steady" test. Dunno what happened. (= And also the assembly of rifle, but I passed it on 2nd try. ^^
Ofcourse, on followed all the usual dinner(with the company of lots of flies), talk cock and whatnot. I guessed i already figured out I'd pass the Army NCC Badge test and get my cookie. =D And then during talk cock, well maybe "what-you-should-do-after-tomorrow" talk, we ended the session with my PC squashing a millipede and a dozen people watching him. =.=
Ohwell, since it's late i can't really recall any prominent stuff that happened. So let's just say I finished off the night doing appraisal amidst lots of noisily buzzing bees that liked to flap their wings on the floor and slowly die off in doing so. And then I went to bed in the same position. ^^
Desperation usually leads to failure,
Because what you're going after knows it.
And she'll slowly back away from you.
(Saturday, June 09, 2007/11:00 AM)
sighs and stimulationsit's now that i realise that maybe you weren't meant to be in my life
(Friday, June 08, 2007/11:06 PM)
Presence of AbsenceOkay...
DAY 2Hmm...
And then I tested it by putting the 2nd alarm to 10:37, then it rang. So I was satisfied.
At 10.40, the logistics CLT(i mentioned this alrd ^^) came in and asked if we wanted to give up our blankets, I did willingly thinking it was as hot as Amoy Quee where I went for Camp Feast last year. (= Well looks like I thought wrong.
So I went to sleep anyway.
And I woke up. Checked my watch.
It was 2:00a.m. ><
*EDIT: Blogger made me lose my stupid post, so I'll try to recount with the 5min I have left before I got to bed. (=*
My feet were frozen. Apparently the non-airconditioned room kinda liked my warm feet and decided they should be made cold.
No worry anyway, I decided to try and defrost my legs. So I curled up like a hedgehog and lay there. Then I fell asleep.
And I woke up. Checked my watch.
It was 3:10a.m.
Rinsed and repeated, went to sleep again.
And I woke up. Checked my watch.
It was 4:07 a.m.
Rinse and repeat yet again, fell asleep yet again.
And I woke up. Checked my watch.
It was 5:15 a.m.
Rinsed and repeated, tried to fall asleep but 5min later, the alarm blared in my face. Then I realised; "Oh, it's time to wake up. ><"
So I shouted for the whole bunk to wake up, lazy buggers. Everyone just stayed put in their bed. Well great, so there goes my stupid job as the bunk-waker, or whatever you'd like to call it. I got my toothbrush and walked to the toilet. Washed up and went back to bunk. It was 5:40. Now I see why people wanted to sleep more.
So I woke them up anyway, then suddenly the whole room burst into panic. People grabbing shoes and shirts and whatnot. ^^ At least I woke them up on time.
At 6 we fell in at company line to do PT. After 1 hour we finished PT, erhhh. =.= Run was abit short but I guess it did the job.
Then we had breakfast, some ugly mess of beehoon-in-a-box. You open the lid and pop! Out springs 40g of beehoon. =.= Well not really, but I did have a hard time eating it. =X
Today's programme was real boring actually. Kind of like just taking us around and making us view well, p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And I guess you should know the reason why I didn't put in the whole word. (=
So we went for various visits here and there, had a talk or 2. After lunch, now erh...oh yeah. After lunch we went to the weapons institute to look at some of the, well, WEAPONS. =.=
Of course, I'm not going to further elaborate. Military secrets+Public blog=? You get the picture. ^^
But it was quite fun, we got to know well, how much the weapon costs and other stuff. You have to admire the fact that one weapon strap costs 70euro. My bagstrap is made out of almost the same material, same length, and the whole thing plus bag didn't cost me 30 bucks. =D
And after all that, we marched back, shouting the same stuff, making the company building echo again. o.o Whilst marching I saw that the OC looked pretty pissed. Dunno why. When we got back however, we knew why.
After lunch we had to clean up our bunks and stuff, turns out some people didn't and just sat on their bed, and other stuff was not cleaned etc. etc. etc.
So then the OC started scolding us and stuff, but it was okay I guess. After all, if you sleep while you're supposed to be cleaning up, you deserve the scolding. ^^
So we went back to re-clean. I wanted to clean the toilet but then some dear hyper fellow cadets were already inside swearing and nearly throwing water on me, so I backed out of there and started to clean windows with Isaac. Then the OC walked in and we didn't even know.
So far in every camp or whatsoever I've been in, the middle timeframe of it is always the trouble-occurring part. I guess this one's no different.
Isaac realised the OC was inside suddenly and so we chiong in and shout "room". Too late, we get scolded again cause' no one realised we were supposed to say "room" and we made the OC wait for 20secs. =.= Well gj, Isaac is screwed and perhaps the whole bunk. (=
So after that, we go down for dinner and had sort of another talk cock session with our PC. Then we broke for supper and then bed.
So it was the same procedure;
1) Go to toilet.
2) Wait with the sensor-operated;continuously-turning-off lights and hearing everyone shouting "oei".
3) Listen to people sing. =.=
4) Shower.
5) Shout "oei" when the lights go off.
6) Finish showering.
7) Revise more for the test on day 3.
8) Set alarm.
9) Sleep.
But this time I slept the other way around so my feet had most protection from the fan. In times where one is stupid to give his blanket to the CLT, he must improvise. Yeah I know you might ask why I didn't use some shirt or a towel. I didn't know why either, but at least the method worked for me. ^^
And I shall end day 2 here, I'll talk more tmr. But for today, this is all I have. Time to go to sleep, roti prata tmr! =D
absence makes me dream of your presence;
because that was the way it was meant to be.
(Thursday, June 07, 2007/11:38 PM)
Pre-MortemJust some sidenotes before I hit my pillow. (=
It just well,
Passes so fast.
Something like time,
But are we really moving?
How can you judge if
Time is really ticking,
Second by second?
Just like normal movement,
We can never be sure.
Even if you say something like
"As time passes we all grow up."
Are you really sure,
That it has moved?
Are you?
Just because of
The sun;
The clock and watches,
The sundials and the inventor.
Just because...
Some people will meet,
And unexpected turn in life.
That will make them turn in circles,
Running on a hamster wheel and going nowhere.
And that is when they realise,
They are lost.
Lost in the world of timeless thought.
So next time,
Just try and think about.
What you really can think about,
And maybe when you jump from one possibility,
To the next,
And the next.
Just maybe.
Just maybe,
You'll realise.
That some things in life,
Are as timeless as they are priceless.
That is when you realise,
That time has no value at all.
And when you realise.
When you realise,
You also will conclude that.
Time's value comes from what
Is put into it.
Therefore it has no value,
Yet has all the value the world could ever wish for.
Such is the complication of time.
(/8:15 PM)
Now give me 5min to think of what happened...hmm...
DAY 1:Great, erh.
First we took some small bus from school to HQ. Upon arrival we got split up into groups. Mine was platoon erh...6. Yeah. =P And only Isaac with me. ><
After reporting attendance the sir told us 3 rules;
1) Must be disciplined at all times.
2) Must respect everyone inc. yourself.
3) Follow all other rules.
What kind of rule is no. 3? (= But nvm, on to more "interesting" stuff.
Got on a nicer and bigger bus to SISPEC. (= But before that my handphone got seized(reminds me of OEP) cause' it had a camera. Obv. >.>
Reach SISPEC, got off bus, fall in, blah blah blah. Got to bunk, put down stuff, chiong back down, fall in, drill totally off, and march to the audi. ><
Reach audi, get into audi, sit down, listen to a talk or 2, almost fall asleep, jks. (=
Get out of audi, fall in, drill totally off again, march back to company line, stop and eat lunch.
Sidenote: Lunch wasn't THAT, i repeat, THAT bad. (=
Finish lunch, wait for people to draw arms, fall asleep sitting down (mastered that ^^), got the arms, ran like mad to training shed, got taught all the crap in what seemed like 5min, people practiced like mad and I didn't get a chance. T.T
Then fall in on road, march AROUND the entire fence to get to a field not 50m away. =.= Reach field, pull long 4, get another 5min uberomgfast revision and then fall back in at the road where we march off the SAME LONG ROAD all the way back. ><
Then continue to march to company line, the Officer In-Command (OC) was a hugely pro guy. (= The minute he came up with some cheer everyone didn't mind following after him. So we shouted.
And shouted.
And shouted.
And shouted.
And sh...imean, and the whole place kinda echoed. o.o Cool. (=
Fall in, drill okay-off, sit down, get dinner, eat dinner, throw dinner, go and bond with the platoon CLT since the so-called "Warrant Officer mingling" was canceled. Great, well finish liao, then fall back in, get new instructions, dismissed.
Isaac and I take bedsheets and pillowcases, go back up to the bunk, distribute, get stuff, go bathe.
Oh yes.
I forgot to mention.
When I first went into the toilet (that was to shower) I didn't realise there was no light switch but the light was on.
So after 5min of showering suddenly the whole place blacks out and everyone is like "oei" and 5 seconds later someone is like "wait wait" and the lights go back on.
Of ALL the bright ideas, the toilet lights are ONE-sensor operated. xD
Well anyway, finish bathing, go back to bunk, other schoolmates come in, revise the stuff, they go, we hit the sack. Then the logistics CLT comes in and asks if anyone doesn't want his blanket, I give it up willingly. I'll tell you what happened later...well LATER. (=
So I went to sleep, and that was it. ^^ Next 3 days later, it's damn hard to write in detail anyway. =D
(Monday, June 04, 2007/12:09 AM)
TimeAnd it is finally time,
For me to venture into the cold world ahead...
(Sunday, June 03, 2007/8:39 PM)
FourCause' I'm leaving.
Leaving like the rest of you.
I'll be gone for 4 days from now.
Spec Course and last minute packing calls. (=
And it's a stayover. 3 nights gosh. =O
Oh well, time to revise everything I've learnt these 3 years.
Perhaps a time to relive old memories. =D
But that doesn't give you any reason to abandon my blackboard. (=
So please tag, please do. (=
Cause' I'm lea-ving,
NOT on a jet plane.
And I'll be back in
4 days again. =DSo yeah,
Have fun all. (=
(/10:55 AM)
BoredGreat, I just did the most stupid thing ever.
I read through my entire blog month by month. o.o
I didn't know I wrote all that,
It just gets back at you doesn't it? (=
As I turn back,
And look at everything that's happened and stuff.
A blog IS pretty fun.
And it lets you remember,
What you want to remember. =D
And the good part is,
It's not really physical.
And you can share everything with your pals.
Well, without getting too rash. =P
So you get to work your brain a bit,
And recreate the rash parts in your brain. xD
Oh well,
I really have no life.
I better go do some homework. =X
Being powerful at night no longer works.
Because people are now blind to,
Morning things.
(Saturday, June 02, 2007/10:59 PM)
Dream StareIt's pretty cruel isin't it?
How people just appear and disappear.
And reappear again, only to vanish into thin air.
All these invisible people, are they merely obstacles?
Or do they make this little difference in our lives?
But one thing's for sure.
In some people;
Music is the soul.
In others maybe different, but what matters is.
With similarity, with difference.
People find a bond in each other.
Just that little weak bond.
And this little weak bond,
Between every person, every thing,
Be it living, non-living, or even non-existent.
It is the little weak bond,
With an infinite number
Of branches.
And this tiny weak,
Little bond.
Is the connection.
It's the link.
It's small but,
It's all we have.
And with this little weak bond,
The whole world, this fragile, perhaps doomed, world,
Is held together.
And with a little piece of ribbon,
I'll help tie up,
That loose end for you.
Because this is who I am,
And this is what I do.
So believe in me.
(/9:55 PM)
Hit me SoftlyAnother 10%. (=
There'll be another 90%.
And then maybe I'll be stupid and go overseas!
Doh, randomcrap. This doesn't belong on my blog! >< Well heck, back to life. (=
(/11:25 AM)
Boring EntertainmentGreat, I'm stuck with NOTHING to do again. =.= All the games I wanna play are either all friendless or friends not on. Man, then what's the point of MMORPG? o.o
Hm, maybe I should just make a whole list of *EDIT* oxymora! =D
1) freezer burn
2) go quickly slowly
3) simple problem
4) pretty ugly
5) darken the light
6) press the start button to shut down
7) fail safe
8) looking at the ceiling with nothing to do
9) clean dirt
10) friendly fire
11) accidental purpose
12) oddly natural
13) quiet loudspeaker
14) nonviolent protest
15) perfectly normal
16) press release
17) one choice
18) organized chaos
19) straight angle
20) straight forward
21) silent testimony
22) designer jeans
23) curved line
24) one dimensional
25) blurry vision
26) accurate estimate
27) among the first
28) awfully nice
29) hell's angels
30) insane logic
Okay, so maybe I'm not so bored now. Or maybe not. =.= I shall post more MEANINGFUL things later when I think up of them. Kthnxbai. (=
(/8:27 AM)
DohTo market to market to buy a fat load of roti prata. Jks. (=
So much for my dad scolding me last night and telling me to go to sleep early cause' we'll be "waking up at 7:30 to go to the market early!" Erh, like, I'm up at 7:15 and you're up at almost 9. Nice job. >.>
Oh well, I'll come home soon.
Home again, Home again, Jiggelty jig. Is it? >.>
(Friday, June 01, 2007/8:48 PM)
CoolHmm, stupid net maintainence.
First in the morning, I was up at 7:15. Bad, that only gives me 1h45min before Starhub closes the freaking net. Crap. At least I lvled once before it went down. =D
Then my dad was choosing a movie to watch. Best person to choose the movie. =.= After a grueling long time and looking into this and that review, he decided that we go watch Spider-Man 3. And why? Cause' it was the earliest show at 10a.m. =.= Well nice going dad, it's already 9:30. Now let's move.
Sat in the theatre at 9:59. Alright. =P Then my bro and dad go toilet. After ALL this rushing and scolding me cause' you won't catch ONE SINGLE commercial and then just when we run in making it on time you have to go toilet and miss THREE commercials. =.= Great, i scratched the card WITHOUT a coin dear brother, here's your five cents back. Look, 2 bucks off the next ticket. What a scam. Sheesh. (=
So after the damn movie, we go home, JUST in time to avoid rain. On the way, my dad decided to be smart and check out some property nearby. I decided to check out the cat along the road and found this!

Cmon, stupid cat. EAT the rat. =P
Great, now it's pouring like mad. Still must go and send Jack to Sim Lim Square and help him buy a DS omg. =.= But it was okay, at least I had something to kill time on. (= And Jack doesn't know where Sim Lim is. Omg. ><
So, classic examples that prove that Jack DOES need help buying something. (I hope you're not reading this Jack, but wait, it's not that bad la. =P):
1) "Where's Sim Lim Square"
2) "I've really never been here before"
3) "Supri's mother asked me to start from the top floor and go down."
4) Me: "There's a DS shop, the first one from the top." *points at large DS poster*
Jack:"Huh what where?"
Me:"THERE." *point again*
Me: "Doh"
"Eh what to ask ah?"
5) Jack: "Eh, what pokemon version Jing Sheng have again?"
Me: "Diamond, you get pearl. =.="
Jack: " What pokemon version Jing Sheng have again?"
Me: "Diamond! You get pearl. =.="
Jack: "What pokemon version Jing Sheng..."
Me: "DIAMOND, you get the freaking pearl."
Jack: "Good, I got the DS"
Man: "What cartridge you want, the pokemon is it?"
Jack: "Yah, wait...Eh, zishing..."
Me: "OMG I TOLD YOU ITS PEEEEEAAAARRRRLLLLL" *slams head on wall* jks =P
6) Jack: "I've decided to buy the old DS"
Jack:"Cause' that gives me 40 extra bucks to buy you a game!"
NOTE: Ofcourse, there's lots more to say, but it's late, yeah? =P
Wow thanks Jack, but you bought YOURSELF the extra game, and 20 bucks of my spare cash for anything-that-should-happen-during-june-hols got stolen. T.T And no, I don't need a stupid birthday present. (=
So I got home to find the internet 6min early up. Yay! So here I am, and I'm going to sleep. =P
Kthanxbai. =D
(/8:32 AM)
MEMO 542Due to stupidly unforeseen circumstances, my net is going down at 9. It'll only be back up at 6pm.
"I'm sorry, oh wait, what am I sorry for?"